Thursday, April 16, 2009

Does bleaching your teeth remove......?

plaque...or some it just remove stains...i know it might seem like a dumb question...but i have been bleaching my teeth and they seem to only get whiter in some area%26#039;s not evenly white...and it has been a while since ive been for a i was just curious of bleach cant remove plaque...ya dont tell me you should go for a cleaning every 6 months...i already know...LOL...i just have so many appointments it gets hard...

Does bleaching your teeth remove......?
No, bleaching does not remove plaque or calculus/tartar(hardened plaque). So, if these things are on your teeth it can leave uneven whiteness. However, the teeth are diffent thicknesses also, so it can be normal unevenness too.
Reply:If will remove plaque but not calculus (tartar). You may have some calcium stains on your teeth too. These would appear white and would bleach too but make your teeth appear to be different colored or spotted.

Your not the only one who has not had a cleaning in a while but chew on this: plague is bugs, tartar is bug poop and gingivitis is an infection in your gums and that%26#039;s what you eat everytime you eat! Yum, Yum!
Reply:no it does not


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